Kate Leibrand |
*this entry was created digitally- artist was on a road trip*
February 13th
Days 13 &14 In Greek mythology it is said that there was a nymph named Menthe (say that 5 times fast), and she was infatuated with Hades. Before Persephone and Hades were wed, Minthe was a concubine of Hades. After Persephone entered the picture, Menthe started running her mouth and telling everyone that she was more beautiful and noble than the new queen. Persephone trampled her underfoot and then transformed her into "the weak herb that bears her name" (Oppian, Halieutica). Mint is often associated with Hades, Persephone and Demeter. Peppermint, or Mentha, in the Victorian Language of Flowers means "warmth of feeling" and is said to be slightly spicy to show the warmth of feeling Menthe had for Hades (as well as spicy attitude?). It is an herb that has medicinal properties and is used as an oil for many things, as well as in cooking and cocktails. Lemon balm is also in the mint family, as is Spearmint, Bee Balm, and Bergamot Herb. Possible Powers: Healing, Lust, Warmth, Wisdom Location: Digital Print/Animation Pour upon me less flame. - Charles Bauldelaire |